YouGov recently carried out a poll of 1,136 adults living in London, to get their views on the capital.

  • A rewarding place: According to the survey, London is a good place learn a new skill (77% agree), make money (74% agree), take up a hobby (74%) and to find a job (70%). The downsides: fewer people think London is a good place to improve your quality of life (47% agree), bring up children (37%) or to grow old (30%).
  • A city for the young: Two in five (40%) believe the best age to be living in London is when you are in your twenties; 19% think being in your thirties is the best time to enjoy all the capital has to offer.
  • Was it always so? Asked if life for young people in London today is better or worse than it was for young people living in London 20 years ago, opinion was divided. Not so for older people: 46% think life in London is worse today for older people than it was two decades ago.
  • Impending problems… Three quarters (76%) think that the number of people in London is growing too fast, and 72% believe London is badly placed to manage the changes in its population over the next few decades.
  • What’s to be done? By far the most popular issue for the Mayor to focus on is housing: 53% saying it should be the Mayor’s top priority. One in five (20%) believe the mayor should focus attention on public transport and 8% think sorting out the roads is the number one priority.

Read the report to see the full results.


Photo credit: London by Fsse Info