What’s inside this edition?
RPP 32(3) features an evaluation of the impact on values and attitudes of students of a social work curricula module relating to substance misuse and working with substance misusers; a paper conceptualising an alternative ‘blueprint’ approach to assessment/support planning and methods of resource allocation in adult social care departments; a report of the application of reciprocal role valorisation (RRV) to Family Group Conferences in New Brunswick, Canada; in addition to the findings of a participatory qualitative research study focusing on the role unpaid carers play in the recovery of people with mental ill-health.

Read also a review of a significant book by a prominent campaigning figure, Peter Beresford, who is himself a valued contributor to RPP, most recently on personalisation.

The RPP editorial team very much welcome your feedback on the full issue, or the individual articles, so please do get in touch with your comments.

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