Reshaping local places and services through local research

Tuesday 4th November 2014, University of Manchester

This one-day training workshop offers practical guidance on maximising the use of local research to help reshape local places and services. It will cover:

  • Getting the best out of customer insight
  • Forecasting and predicting future demand for services
  • Improving policy evaluation to improve outcomes
  • Behaviour change to drive channel shift
  • The role of public health
  • The future of performance monitoring
  • The skills and professional development needed for local researchers, including the launch of our planned new LARIA professional development framework

The seminar will be fully accredited by the Market Research Society as part of their professional development framework.

If you wish to speak at this workshop, or run a breakout session, and showcase the work you do please contact by Friday 30th May 2014. The full programme will be published in June when bookings will open.


Photo Credit: LARIA Photo of LARIA Conference 2014