Attendees from across the North East at the last LARIA NE networking event in Durham.
The latest LARIA networking event for local area and social researchers in the North East will take place on 1 October 2018, 1-4.30pm Darlington Town Hall. We’ll be finding out more about:
- using behavioural insight in local government from With the Grain and Sunderland City Council
- preventing homelessness from Newcastle City Council’s Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer, and
- measuring health inequalities in Teesside from Public Health England.
Come along and network with local area and social researchers in the North East. There will be cake!
We look forward to seeing you – book here: LARIA North East October 2018 or contact the organiser, Louise Reeve, at: louise.reeve@newcastle.gov.uk or ring: 0191 277 7508.