Dear Colleague,
Re: Public Health Intelligence Network Event, 7th March 2014
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the Public Health England Intelligence Network event, 7th March 2014, at Park Crescent Conference Centre, Great Portland Street, London.
View the Knowledge and Intelligence event 07 March 14 – Agenda and directions
The Network is aimed specifically at public health information and intelligence professionals and other users of public health data and intelligence within the boundaries of the two PHE Centres (Anglia and Essex and South Mids. and Herts).
The day will be split in to three parts:
1. Information Governance and access to data.
2. Fingertips Midlands and East future consultation.
3. Workforce development and training.
Bookings are to be made through emailing by the 3rd March 2014. The event is free, lunch and refreshments will be served.
Please note numbers are strictly limited to 100. Public Health England reserve the right to cancel a booking if an organisation is over-subscribed, this is to ensure equity across all organisations to guarantee that each organisations is fairly represented and their views are heard.
Please pass on this invite to any colleague who may benefit from attending the Network.
Yours sincerely
Julian Flowers
Director KIT (East)