Partnership Programme

The LARIA Partnership Programme enables organisations to work with LARIA to help develop activities of interest and use to our members. Each partner will be working with LARIA on a project or activity that has a clearly stated distinct objective and a series of outputs. Without this support LARIA would not have the resources to undertake this work on its own. The LARIA Partnership Programme helps us expand the existing sponsorship support for events into a more substantial series of activities throughout the year.

The nature of each partnership will be different. In most cases it is likely that we will be developing a programme of work around a theme which will help provide original content for our events, website, emails and publications.

LARIA recognises that one of the benefits of the Partnership Programme for our partners is to raise the profile of their work to our members. However, in doing so our guarantee to LARIA members is:

  • LARIA will maintain independence and will not endorse a particular product, approach or company
  • LARIA will continue to welcome submissions from all LARIA members for conferences and publications, regardless of the commercial products or companies they work with or use
  • LARIA will maintain editorial control over all content to ensure that it is relevant
  • LARIA will not share email addresses and contact details with our partners for their own communications unless there is express permission from individual members to do so
  • LARIA will ensure any communications is focused on quality not quantity, and that members are not bombarded with extra correspondence

Our first LARIA Partner is CACI who have supported us for over ten years through regular sponsorship of our Annual Conference. To find out more about this partnership please visit the CACI page of our website.

If you have any comments on the LARIA Partnership Programme, or would like to find out more about how your organisation can take part, please contact us via