LARIA - Local Area Research + Intelligence Association


Welcome to the LARIA in Wales group. All those working in local research in the Wales are welcome to join our group. We hold regular free networking meetings with members and we would be happy to post the latest Wales news below.

If you are already a LARIA member and wish to join the Wales group please visit our member area and ensure you have registered an interest. If you are not yet a member you can find out more about joining – including our free Associate member level where you can sign up to our updates.

The LARIA in the Wales group is currently looking for a new chair. If you would like to be involved in this local group, please contact and check out how you can help support a local group. Local LARIA groups rely on the goodwill of members to arrange free venues, come up with ideas for speakers and to provide articles for this website. We hope you are able to become an active member of the group.

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